Monteleone mirrors: our matt black finish

Monteleone mirrors: our matt black finish

In the living, mirrors are accessories that can shine in space, illuminate the room, visually and why not, emotionally transform the furnishing context. Monteleone has always approached the production of designer mirrors with this sensitivity, aware that we are not...
MIRA round mirror: cutting-edge technology and charm

MIRA round mirror: cutting-edge technology and charm

A mirror can unexpectedly enhance or even change the whole décor if incorporated in the right way. The secret is knowing how to choose the most suitable one. Style, innovation and design pass through details that can change the face of a piece of furniture and, with...


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CAP: 28024

Gozzano (NO)


Monteleone S.r.l. a Socio Unico - C.F. P.IVA. e REG.IMPRESE NO: IT01588360030 - Capitale sociale: € 50.000,00 i.v. - N. REA: NO-183732 - 2024 © All Rights Reserved.