Bespoke mirrors

Professionals in creating exclusive products

Monteleone has invested many resources over the years to create a team specializing in the design and development of custom products, sometimes designed from scratch, to suit the customers’ needs.

Especially in the hotel world, uniqueness, practicality, design, light effect and its propagation through the environment are fundamental elements, and the great challenge is to build a well-designed, elegant and easy to use product that takes shape through the various stages of design.

The possibility of customisation is fundamental in creating the best relationship with clients and project managers. We work closely with architects and interior designers to achieve the best result and to satisfy all the requirements and specifications.

In an ever-changing world we must always surprise and intrigue our customers, impress them with an indelible memory by creating a warm, relaxing, pleasant and welcoming atmosphere. A well-designed product can help to build this whole, this feeling of well-being that improves us and makes our moments to remember better. Everything is interconnected.

Our approach to high-quality design is delivered with integrity and pragmatism to exceed clients’ expectations. We are professionals in creating exclusive bespoke products.

We turn ideas into reality.

Luigi Monteleone


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+(039) 0322-913406

+(039) 0322-076330



Via C. di Nassiryah 5 - 28024
Gozzano (NO) - Italy

Monteleone S.r.l. a Socio Unico - C.F. P.IVA. e REG.IMPRESE NO: IT01588360030 - Capitale sociale: € 50.000,00 i.v. - N. REA: NO-183732 - 2024 © All Rights Reserved.