Frequently asked questions

Who does Monteleone turn to?

We are particularly aimed at operators in the hotel sector, but all our products can also be used in private bathroom furnishings.

What can you customise (shape, dimension, light, etc.)?

For the mirrors the most requested customisation is the size, but you can also customise the colour of the lights and in some product even the finishing. For the magnifying mirrors, the greatest demand for customisation concerns the finishing, but on some lighted models we can change the colour of the light from “hot” to “cold”.

Can I put my brand on your products?

Contact us to evaluate this possibility together. It is also possible to request the neutral product without the company logo.

Do you have a showroom?

We have a showroom at our head office in Gozzano, Via Caduti di Nassiryah 5, and we work with several retailers in Italy. Ask for the list of retailers closest to you.

Do you have a pre-sales service?

We are available for any information, please fill in our contact form.

What kind of warranty do you give?

Usually 24 months on all products. We also have a post-sales service to meet the needs that may arise.

Do you make only mirrors and bathroom mirrors or even furniture ones?

Our mirrors and wall mirrors are created for the bathroom environment, but they can also be used in other rooms.

What is the difference between bathroom mirrors and furniture mirrors?

Bathroom mirrors have been designed to protect the electrical parts from the humidity of this environment, which is why continuous control procedures are developed and carried out. Furniture mirrors are mainly design or decorative, and do not require the use of electrical or various components that are resistant to humid environments.

Do mirrors have a switch?

They generally do not, an external switch is recommended, but there are models where it can be set up inside.


How high should a mirror be fitted from the wash basin?

We recommend 15 cm from the sink.


Are the lights adjustable?

Not by standard, but it can be requested as an option.


Which is the most lighted mirror?

The line that gives more light is the REDA.


What is the proposed colour tone of the light?

Our standard colour tone is 3000k, which is a warm white.


Can the lighted mirror be the sole source of illumination for the bathroom?

It depends on the model and the size of the bathroom.


For the Rotary line, how do you move the mirror?

We have inserted a handle that helps rotate the mirror and therefore adjust the position of the magnifying mirror.


How do I replace bulbs?

There are 4 screws, 2 above and 2 below which, once removed, allow you to remove the frame with the mirror and access inside.




+(039) 0322-913406

+(039) 0322-076330


Via C. di Nassiryah, 5

CAP: 28024

Gozzano (NO)


Monteleone S.r.l. a Socio Unico - C.F. P.IVA. e REG.IMPRESE NO: IT01588360030 - Capitale sociale: € 50.000,00 i.v. - N. REA: NO-183732 - 2024 © All Rights Reserved.