Back in 2005, Monteleone S.r.l. founded the Spekkio brand. The aim of the project, in its embryonic phase as well as today, was and is to create an icon with which to brand our design productions destined to bathroom furnishing for exclusive hotels. Since then, Spekkio has become our second skin, the concrete manifestation of a clear vision, going in the direction of technical and aesthetic innovation and personalisation.


Under the brand name Spekkio we sign exclusive and high-quality articles. We design articles from scratch to satisfy the requests of architects and interior designers, elaborating ad hoc solutions for each specific project and giving ample space to the customisation of our solutions.


From shape to colour, material to finish, we take on board our customers’ needs and help them create the ambience they have always dreamed of, with standard or bespoke items. Our main objective is to develop unique and prestigious products that make the customer’s idea a reality.


In order to carry out our idea of tailor-made solutions, we constantly interface with all kinds of professionals in the furniture sector: planners, designers and architects find in us a competent contact and, above all, ready to listen, to evaluate and to find the most appropriate solutions for every need.


The experience matured in contact with great operators of the sector has allowed us to renew ourselves constantly and, today as in our first day of activity, we perceive the changes, giving them a shape: that of our mirrors, rigorously signed Spekkiotm.

Creativity, in design, does not run on a separate trajectory, but requires a constant dialogue with the technique: our ideas for the bathroom find concreteness thanks to a maniacal study aimed at identifying and implementing technologically advanced solutions and patented by us. This is how our double-sided mirrors, our aesthetic mirrors, our illuminated solutions are born: extraordinarily functional, comfortable furnishing elements, modelled on the needs of living and experiencing space with comfort. Because simplicity is something complicated that we at Monteleone like to make accessible to all our customers.


Take a look at our range of mirrors and cosmetic mirrors on our website!

Spekkio: registered trademark Class 20, Number 865672 filed on 05/08/2005; US Trademark Registration number 3218196 reg 13/03/2007.


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+(039) 0322-913406

+(039) 0322-076330



Via C. di Nassiryah 5 - 28024
Gozzano (NO) - Italy

Monteleone S.r.l. a Socio Unico - C.F. P.IVA. e REG.IMPRESE NO: IT01588360030 - Capitale sociale: € 50.000,00 i.v. - N. REA: NO-183732 - 2024 © All Rights Reserved.