If you think that LED technology is an innovation of today’s society, then you are wrong. It was born as early as 1962, although initially it only worked with red light. It wasn’t until the dawn of the new millennium that Light Emitting Diode technology became established in consumer habits and was applied in home automation and furnishing, thanks to a technological breakthrough that enabled the development of white light bulbs. Don’t think that this is just a detail: the LED has been able to revolutionise the concept of lighting applied to furnishings.


LED technology for Monteleone solutions


Why talk about LED technology on a website dedicated to design mirrors and mirrors? Because Monteleone creations owe a great deal to technological innovation: in our furnishing mirrors, designed above all for the hotel sector, but also ideal for residential use, LED lights play a key role. Our designers have carefully designed a lighting concept that meets both aesthetic and utility requirements. The light in a mirror is the functional element par excellence, the discriminating factor that defines the qualities of use of the object. We study the placement of the LEDs on the perimeter of our magnifying mirrors and our mirrors with great care, looking for the perfect balance, the ideal angle to illuminate without causing discomfort.


We customise our articles with LEDs of different colours. The customer can customise mirrors and mirrors by choosing whether or not to integrate lights. Our lighting system is safe and made of environmentally friendly materials, tested to last over time and with lines suitable for use in decor.


What about the aesthetic qualities of LED: light gives visibility to details, celebrates finishes, enhances the craftsmanship of proudly Made in Italy products and consecrates them as objects with artistic connotations. According to our vision, design is born from the constant dialogue between taste, utility and optimisation of space and movement. In this constant search for perfection, we at Monteleone manifest our way of perceiving ourselves within the universe of furniture. In our own way, stubborn and passionate, as always.


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Gozzano (NO) - Italy

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