We hope that you are well during these unprecedented times. We are deeply concerned by what is happening in the world, however we are staying positive and believe that we will overcome the present situation as a global community, step by step.

We had to adapt, to find new ways to carry out all of our projects, new ways to work, new ways to communicate. It has not been easy every day but in the end, we came outgrown up, more united, human. We are succeeding in a collective effort to learn from this difficult period and we are now setting up, with great joy, the resumption of our activity.

Whilst we find ourselves in a time of uncertainty, we take solace in the work that we love. Circumstances have forced us to decamp from our office and set up temporary home workstations, video meetings have helped us stay connected: we luckily never stopped working, remaining devoted to our clients and the projects we are working on.

We are prepared to continue to support all clients, current and new ones, with full capacity. As we are all navigating through this odd and challenging time, we wish you and your loved ones to remain safe, healthy, and strong. Let’s unite to keep business as usual!

We will be back stronger than ever in the blink of an eye.

From all of us at Monteleone


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+(039) 0322-913406

+(039) 0322-076330




Via C. di Nassiryah 5 - 28024
Gozzano (NO) - Italy

Monteleone S.r.l. a Socio Unico - C.F. P.IVA. e REG.IMPRESE NO: IT01588360030 - Capitale sociale: € 50.000,00 i.v. - N. REA: NO-183732 - 2024 © All Rights Reserved.